Using Applicant Tracking Systems to Power Your Candidate Relationship Management

Alexandra Brooks
4 min readNov 13, 2023


Photo by Henrik Dønnestad on Unsplash

This blog looks at how ATS systems integrate with CRM tools to track communications, store notes, and nurture long-term relationships with top candidates.

Managing relationships with top candidates is crucial for talent acquisition teams seeking to build a qualified talent pool and reduce costly hiring cycles. According to a survey by LinkedIn, nurtured leads produce 306% more revenue than non-nurtured leads. While separate candidate relationship management (CRM) tools have long provided a way to nurture long-term connections, many organizations are now leveraging their existing applicant tracking system (ATS) to directly support these CRM efforts.

By integrating robust CRM capabilities into hiring software, recruiters gain a centralized system for not only tracking candidates throughout the application process but also cultivating ongoing relationships beyond initial interactions. This consolidated approach streamlines communications, stores valuable qualitative data, and allows for targeted outreach — all with the goal of keeping prized prospects engaged for future opportunities.

Tracking Communications and Interactions

Perhaps the most basic yet important CRM function is documenting all touchpoints with candidates. Advanced ATS platforms provide functionality for recruiters to log any type of correspondence, whether it’s a phone call, email exchange, interview notes, or other meetings. According to data from Software Advice, 79% of recruiters say the ability to track and log interactions is one of the most important CRM features.

Maintaining a detailed activity history within the platform gives future hiring managers a full overview of a candidate’s journey. It also prevents unnecessary follow-ups by signaling what has already been discussed. Automatic reminders can even prompt recruiters to keep in contact at regular intervals to maintain relationships. Data from hundreds of interactions provides valuable recruitment analytics on topics like preferred communication channels or responses to certain messages.

According to a survey by LinkedIn, nurtured leads produce 306% more revenue than non-nurtured leads.

Storing Qualitative Attributes and Assessments

Beyond basic contact details, robust CRM features within an ATS allow teams to capture soft skills and intangible traits that don’t necessarily come across in a resume. Notes sections provide space to record interpersonal qualities, cultural fit impressions, leadership examples, or other attributes observed outside of qualifications.

According to Aberdeen Group, 72% of best-in-class recruiters collect and leverage qualitative candidate data compared to just 33% of average performers. Stored attributes and recruiter feedback become invaluable if a candidate reapplies in the future or is considered for another role where their fit may be different. It paints a well-rounded picture of the individual beyond just their job history.

Behavioral assessments and other scoring tools within the ATS can also quantify strengths that might translate well to various company positions. A study by CEB found that candidates scored in the ATS were twice as likely to be a quality hire.

Targeted Outreach and Nurturing

Armed with qualitative and quantitative data on active candidates, recruiters can develop personalized nurturing plans. The ATS might suggest specific candidates to follow up with regarding new openings or opportunities based on previous interests, skills, and other profile factors.

According to data from Software Advice, 79% of recruiters say the ability to track and log interactions is one of the most important CRM features.

Automated campaigns can keep prospects engaged through relevant content like career tips, labor market updates, and organization announcements. According to Aberdeen Group, personalized emails deliver 6 times higher transaction rates.

Event invitations from within the ATS extend relationships to networking opportunities, webinars, and other non-sales engagements. Tracking RSVPs and developing segmented lists allows for focused outreach over time. All of these touches, powered by robust CRM functionality, improve top candidates’ perceptions of the company as an employer of choice.

By integrating robust CRM tools designed for long-term relationship-building, ATS platforms empower talent teams to transform functional applicant data into strategic recruiting assets. Nurturing connections beyond initial applications maintains a primed talent pool and warm pipeline primed for the next valuable role to fill. Leveraging hiring technology investments amplifies recruitment marketing efforts at both tactical and strategic levels.



Alexandra Brooks

Hey there! I'm Alexandra Brooks, a dedicated wordsmith passionate about the profound impact of technology on our world.